This is a PHP script to monitor the overall progress of the 100 days initiative. I figured I'd share it for anyone else taking part (or monitoring the participants) who might like to shove it on their site.
Stick this before the <html> tag:
$tableWidth = 800;
$numDays = 100;
$endDate = mktime(0,0,0,03,11,2010);
$todayDate = mktime( 0,0,0,gmstrftime("%m"),gmstrftime("%d"),gmstrftime("%Y") );
$leftNum = ( $endDate - $todayDate )/( 86400 );
$todayNum = $numDays + 1 - $leftNum;
$leftNum -= 1;
$tdWidthGone = $tableWidth/100 * $todayNum;
Stick this just before the closing <head> tag:
<style type="text/css">
#progress {
border:2px solid #ccc;
#left {
Stick this anywhere in the body of your page:
<h3>Overall Progress - Today's date is: <?=gmstrftime("%d %B %Y")?></h3>
<table id="progress">
<tr><th id="gone"><?=$todayNum?></th><th id="left"><?=$leftNum?></th>